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Catholic Spirituality

I hope that you will enjoy these reflections and that they will lead you closer to God.  After all, that's all that really matters!

Apr 29, 2018

Since the dawn of civilization we've been trying to answer the question "what is a good life?"  Jesus answers this question in his lesson on the "vine and the branches".

Apr 22, 2018

Lets reflect on the call of a good shepherd by focusing on these two words: being good, and being a shepherd.  

Apr 15, 2018

Gnosticism was the problem during the first century, and St. John the Apostle addressed this problem with in his Letter with a simple reminder: humanity and divinity must not be separated.  To know God we must love one another, there is not other way.  This temptation to separate humanity from divinity is visible even...

Apr 9, 2018

When we look at the lives of first Christians we can easily observe that their faith changed their lives.  Nothing was the same after the resurrection.  How about us?  Would our lives be different if we did not believe in God?